Christmas Extravaganza & Panto

18 December 2016
Now in its 9th year, this is DOF's annual Christmas Extravaganza and Pantomime.
Pied Piper of Hamlin
Christmas is just not the same without Dirty Old Folkers’ annual Christmas shindig. This year it's Pied Piper of Hamlin - Get your tickets early though, they sell out really quickly!
Kitchen Garden Café - 18 December 2016
Location: Kitchen Garden Café, 17 York Road, Kings Heath, B14 7AS - 0121 443 4725 kitchengardencafe.co.uk
Other Dates
Kitchen Garden Café - 20 December 2016
Location: Kitchen Garden Café, 17 York Road, Kings Heath, B14 7AS - 0121 443 4725 kitchengardencafe.co.uk
Hare and Hounds, Kings Heath - 23 December 2016
Location: High St Kings Heath Birmingham B14 7JZ - 0844 884 2920 hareandhoundskingsheath.co.uk